.The True Revolutionist Newspaper.

.Cheryl Hatalla.Liz Morris. Abby Wheeler.

.Issue 1. Issue 2. Issue 3. Issue 4. Issue 5. Issue 6. Issue 7. Issue 8. Issue 9.

.What the hell is this?. Making us Known. The Forum. Biography. GuestBook. Host.

true | revo

Looking for the "You know you're at East..." List? Look to your right under Liz's Links for a link.

Important news. Today being February 9, 2004 we all need to wish Abby a Happy 15th Birthday. Meaning, send her a present or kisses, or both as I did. Yes, lesbian kiss this morning in the cafeteria of Central Dauphin High School, too bad all of you missed out! Anyhow, everyone should know what a wonderfully amazing and beautiful person Abby is. If you are like me and know her, then you know how lucky you are to have a friend like her. And true, I have only met Abby two years ago, in that time I have looked up to her and admired her greatly. Its easy for not just me, but alot of other people to say how much they love Abby. Happy Birthday Abby!

As for the next issue of True Revo. Lizzie tells me by the end of February. I am sure to have my newspaper stories done by then...but not sure of Lizzie or Abby. And as you can tell, we have been slacking as we have lost all forms of motivation. Oh well. We are still here. Also Liz says we should get a diaryland gold membership which means, better website...or slightly better website with more pictures...not too sure.

By the bys, just to clear up any rumors, President Bush is coming to Central Dauphin High School on Thursday. I must say, its quite odd seeing C.I.A people walking in our hallways already in their long black coats, expensive suits, and conservative ties. The only good thing coming of this is that they finally decided to fix the roof by the gym hallway where all the water was leaking in and the trashcans sat underneath collecting water. However, I find the whole thing a bit hypocritical. You see, President Bush is coming to talk about his education plan entitled "No child left behind"- but don't you find it odd that the only people invited to see him speak in the auditorium were the honors students, the students with straight A's. The rest of us will be gathered in the gym watching him on a screen.

No child left behind.

Sure thing.

Thursday is Senior Skip day, though I am not a senior, I am definantely skipping. Its not my idea of fun to walk into my own high school and be checked for a bomb. And its not my idea of fun to be forced to empty my gym locker...(I knew I should have taken those sneakers home and washed them in September...)


arent you excited too?!

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