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Approach to Religion

Religion plays a big part of many peoples' lives. To strong believers, religion can determine their everyday functions; from what they eat, to what they wear, say, and act. Some people follow a religion to have a sense of hope, peace, and security. Others may claim religion gives them a sense of commitment and passion.

Religion has been categorized into three main groups: world religions, pagan faiths, and philosophies/ ethical systems. World religions have billions of followers, have long been established, and are some of the largest religions in the world such as Hinduism and Islam. Pagan faiths worship things like rain, air, or spirits instead of a God. Ethical systems or philosophies usually do not worship any God or any thing in that case. They are based on on ideas or theories.

Despite any categories, all religion has cause bad and good. It has caused murder, hate, discrimination and genocide. A prime example of this would be World War II. Millions of Jews were murdered. However, World War II was not the first time, or the last time murder occurred because of religion. It has occurred even within the last decade in places as Bosnia, Kosovo, Northern Ireland, Nigeria, and most known place- the Middle East. For some, however religion has done only good. Billions have devoted their lives to helping others in ways such as missionaries, food drives, or simply giving hope.

No matter what religion you are, this article will help in the understanding of others culture, views and lives.

Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, which classifies it as a world religion. Buddhism was founded in Northern India by Buddha Siddhartha Gautama late in 500 BCE (Before Common Era, as known as BC) At age 29 Siddhartha Gautama left his wife, children, and political involvements to find the truth. He found enlightenment and attainted the title �Buddha� which translates to �one who has awakened�. The main beliefs of Buddhism consist of reincarnation and nirvana. Reincarnation is the belief that once one lives a life, the return as a different being in another life. Once one has finally released attachment to desire can they then obtain nirvana which is the state of liberation and freedom from suffering. Once reaching nirvana the cycle of reincarnation stops. The five rules of Buddhism are known as the Five Precepts. The first precept is not to kill; this can include no violence or not harming another. The second precept is not to steal which also includes avoiding fraud. As for the third precept, it includes not lying, gossiping, or name calling. The fourth precept is not to misuse sex. For monks and nuns, this means complete celibacy. The fifth and final precept is not to use any methods of divorcing oneself from reality or clouding the mind. For most this simply means not using drugs or alcohol, but others include television, movies, and the internet. Buddhists have three principals which they follow. Sila is virtue, good conduct, and morality which consist of two principals. That all living things are equal and the rule of reciprocity- treat others the way you would like to be treated. The second principal is Samadhi- that concentration, mediation, and mental development leads to wisdom which leads to personal freedom. Prajna is the third practice which is discernment, insight, wisdom, and enlightenment, and that wisdom will appear if the mind is pure and calm. Buddhism is much a religion of the mind.

Wicca. Contrary to popular belief, Wiccans are ordinary people who tend to be peaceful. Originating from ancient Celtic society, Wicca is now undergoing a period of rapid growth in the U.S., Canada, and parts of Europe particularly in teens. Though many consider Wicca to be evil and satanic, Wicca is in fact not evil at all. Wiccans do not even recognize evil or the existence of an evil being such as Satan. Wicca is based on symbols, seasonal days of celebration, and beliefs of ancient Celtic society. Wiccans worship the symbols air, water, earth, fire, and spirit which classifies Wicca as a pagan religion. They feel very close to nature and are concerned with its preservation. Many rituals are held outdoor and sometimes consist of magic or sexual activities. However, the magic is only used in a positive form, though some Wiccans do not even practice magic. Some simply concentrate on spirituality of Wicca. Wiccans reject the concept of heaven and hell but regard men and women as equals and consider sex and sexual activities gifts from goddesses.

New Age. This is the most unusual form of any religion which first became popular in the 70's. There is no central origin, no membership, and no clergy. New Age is a free flowing spiritual movement that is often added on to whatever formal religion one follows. Sources say that those who claim to follow new age, 8 % believe in astrology as a method of telling the future, while 7% believe crystals are a source of healing power, and 9% use tarot cards. Most of those who follow New Age believe that god is a state of higher consciousness that a person can reach. Another belief is the idea that all that exist is derived from a single source of energy. Some believe in Aura which is an energy field radiated by the body which is invisible to most. Practices performed by the New Age religion often consist of meditating, astrology, and listening to New Age music which is very gentle and melodic. Many New Age followers hope for a world government which would end wars, disease, hunger, pollution and poverty.

Atheism, Agnosticism, humanism. Though these three philosophies are linked with many similar characteristics, there are fine details that make them different. Atheism is the simple belief that the existence of god or gods is unreal, and that there is no religion. Agnosticism is the belief that one can not prove the non existence of god or prove the existence of god. Humanism is based on the non existence of god through reason and logic; it also supports doing good deeds in society. However there are several links between Atheism, Agnosticism and Humanism. Most feel that a reliance on interaction with a mythological deity interferes with ones ability to interact with fellow humans. Another common belief is that a reliance on god/ gods will reduce motivation to solve problems on Earth. Other Atheist, Agnostics and Humanist feel that religions promote the idea that natural feelings such as anger, lust, and desire are sinful and cause guilt where none should be present. This belief is often followed by the fact that traditional religions are supported by fear of eternal punishment after death. A study by the Barna Research group found that roughly 7% of the adult population is either Atheist or Agnostic. Out of that 7%, 71% are whites, men 64%, adults under 35 years of age 51%, residents of northeast and west America 56%. Ironically to most, Atheist, Agnostics, and Humanist have the lowest divorce rates of any religion.

Satanism. Depending on the exact meaning, those who follow Satanism can be anywhere from a few thousand to four billion. Though the precise origin is uncertain, most sources point to Anton Szando LeVey who was in fact a magician. Today local groups of Satanists are often called grottos or pylons. Satanists feel Wiccans are very hypocritical and are critical of other religions. Though the title may suggest otherwise, Satanist do not just worship the devil. The main emphasis of a Satanist is placed on power and authority of an individual rather than on the devil. Another belief is that each person is fully responsible for their own life. Children and animals are considered to be the purest expression of life and are not to be abused or killed. Satanists also believe one should live out desires enthusiastically and explore the seven deadly sins with other consenting adults. Creativity and uniqueness are often encouraged as well. All beliefs and practices conflict with traditional Christianity.

Voodoo. Though Hollywood has created Voodoo, (properly identified as Vodun) to be an evil, human sacrificing, cannibalistic religion, this is a huge misunderstanding. Voodoo originated with the West African Yoruba people who lived in 18th and 19th century Dahomey. When the slaves were shipped to places in and around Central America, they brought their religion with them to places like Haiti and the West Indies. World Wide there is an estimated 60 million followers of Voodoo. One belief of Voodoo is that there are two gods: Chief God Olorun and God Obatala, whom together created all earth and life forms. After a battle between the two gods, God Obatala was forced into temporary banishment. There are many spirits in the religion of Voodoo such as Agwe- the spirit of the sea and Aida Wedo- the rainbow spirit. A main importance of Voodoo is its many rituals. The purpose of rituals is to make a connection with one of the spirits. Rituals are held on many occasions such as celebrating lucky events, births, deaths or marriages. The first step in a ritual is spreading veve (flour) on the ground in a circular pattern. This is followed by chanting, dancing and animal sacrifices. Supposedly the spirits communicate through the Poteau (pole in the middle of veve pattern) to give favors.

Islam is the world�s second largest religion. It is calculated to have 1.2 billion followers which is 21% of the world�s population, and is now currently undergoing a period of rapid growth. Muslims (followers of Islam) believe that somewhere between the years 570 and 632 CE (common era) Muhammad was read his first revelation by Gabriel the angel who was sent by Allah (god). Many Muslims believe Muhammad was the last of a series of prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and Jesus. Foundations of the faith include the fact that Allah did not have a son, and that Jesus was simply born of the Virgin Mary. Jesus then escaped being crucified on the cross and was taken up to heaven. The most important rules of Islam consist of no consumption of alcohol, drugs, or eating pork.

Scientology is based on affinity, reality and communication. Founder Lafayette Ronald Hubbard believes a person is neither a mind or a spirit. The core beliefs include the eight dynamics, which are the eight impulses in life. The first dynamic is the urge to survive as an individual. Second dynamic is the urge to survive through family and sex, third dynamic is to survive within a group (such as a company or group of friends). Fourth dynamic is to survive as man kind. Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth dynamics are all urges of ways to survive through other forms of life. Scientology rejects the common concept of heaven and hell, but the main goal of the scientologist is to help large amounts of people in significant areas such as crime, mental illness, drug addiction and physical illness. Practices of this religion include �auditing� which is a unique form of personal counseling intended to help an individual look at his or her existence. The purpose of an auditor is to graduate individuals to a higher state of spiritual existence which is known as �the bridge to total freedom�. Scientology is often times the target of anti cult groups.

Hinduism is the world�s third largest religion with 762 million followers, which is 13% of the world�s population. Though dominated in India, it is regarded as the oldest religion and was started somewhere between 4000- 2200 BCE. Hindus believe in Samsara- the birth, life, death, and rebirth of the lifecycle, also commonly known to us as reincarnation. Karama is the accumulated sun of good and bad deeds and determines the next life. Larger amount of good deeds equals a better life, larger amount of bad deeds means a worse life. Eventually one can escape the cycle of Samsara (reincarnation) and receive reincarnation. Purusharthas is the aims of Hinduism. Dharma is one of the aims which is righteousness in religious life. Artha is success in economic/marital prosperity. Kama is the gratification of the senses, pleasure, sexual senses, and mental enjoyment.

(Note: Though I am Agnostic, I tried to write this article in the most unbiased and indiscriminately fashion possible. The purpose of this article was not to provoke any forms of discrimination or hate or force any particular religion into being �better� than another religion. The purpose of this article was simply to open minds as well as bring understanding and acceptance of different beliefs.)- Cheryl Hatalla

Eating Disorders: The Plight of Thousands

A few weeks ago the Olsen twins turned 18 and a few weeks ago Mary-Kate was sent to rehab for an eating disorder. When I heard this, I didn't gasp or grab my heart in shock. I thought, "Well, it was bound to happen at some point." The sad reality is that eating disorders are common in today's society, and not just with the stars. Normal girls (and sometimes boys) are turning to un-healthy forms of dieting when many of them shouldn't even be dieting at all. Luckily, in today's society eating disorders are recognized and there is help and information to aid those who are suffering.

The first thing to know if you are trying to figure out if someone has an eating disorder is to know the symptoms. Those with eating disorders tend to lose weight quickly, often times when they should have been maintaining the same weight and are healthy. Lack of nutrition will cause them to be weak, tired, and have less vibrant attributes, such as pale skin, dull hair, or eyes that lack sparkle. Many times they no longer have their period and are prone to headaches and dizziness. Another sign of an eating disorder is trying to hide this weight loss. In fact, many affected people try to hide the eating disorder itself. New found secrecy is one of the most important factors of deciding if someone has an eating disorder. If you or your friend is all of a sudden hiding what they eat, sneaking off after meals, or trying to avoid eating in general, they may have a serious problem. Low self esteem is another important warning signal of an eating disorder. Many girls who feel they are "fat," "worthless," and other defeating statements may develop, if they don't already have, an eating disorder. Most importantly however, is your own judgment. Is your friend acting differently then they used to? Has they're self esteemed plunged to a new low? If these symptoms and signs fit then you need to get help.

The first and foremost thing that needs to be done is talk to someone who can help you, even if it�s to send you to another person who can help you. If you�re helping your friend it�s a good idea to talk to a teacher you like, or a compassionate parent (this could be someone else�s parent). If you feel like you need help for yourself talk to someone too. The first step is admitting you have a problem, because sometimes you need help to stop. If the first person you tell doesn�t help, try again. It�s very important you get assistance. If you are helping a friend, after you talk to your compassionate adult, you need to figure out the way to talk to your friend that would be best. For example a bad time would be in front of everyone at a party. A good time might be at a sleepover or after school. Be sure to be kind and loving but firm. Also, make it clear that the person is beautiful already, inside and out.

After you get help from another person, there are many forms of treatment. Therapy can be given by many people, including school counselors and psychologists. Though many people despise even the thought of talking to a stranger about their problems, it is very important to put these reservations aside and talk to someone who has been trained to help. There are also �in-patient� and �out-patient� facilities available. �In-patient� facilities include a patient living at the facility for a certain amount of time. They will receive a diverse form of therapy, including help from dieticians, group therapy, individual counseling, and attention from medical doctors. �Out �patient� assistance may take place at an �in-patient� facility, but the patient will not live there. They will, however, have scheduled meetings with therapists and dieticians through-out the week.

With the stress of modern day society on women to be thin, eating disorders are common place. Hopefully, this article, as well as other internet related resources can help.- Elizabeth Deanna Morris

Staff Members

Cheryl Hatalla

Abigail Wheeler

Liz Morris

Special Thanks to Liz�s Mom, Blake Morris, Rachel Christensen, Chad Fox, Virginia Handley and everyone who reads the True Revo


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